Voyageurs immobiles

Voyageurs immobiles (Immobile Travelers)
duo exhibition with François Réau,
Irène Laub Gallery, Brussels, 2023.

“Irène Laub gallery presents a dialogue between Lucile Bertrand and François Réau. The exhibition unfolds as a meditative exploration of time and ever-changing landscapes. Through works on paper and installations, both artists offer their own perception, measure and understanding of the world that flows around them.”

Irène Laub gallery, press release, June 2023.

The installation One Day is a reminder of how fragmented and unstable our memory is, represented by an illegible calligraphy that preserves only traces of events, big or small, happy or painful, and more or less vivid imprints, be they kiss-red or blood-red. This set of panels can evoke a life's journey or a simple trip, two memories that confront each other or the narrative of a memory that fails to take shape.

Des Routes et des mots — Transports immobiles, 2021.
Coloured pencil and graphite on printed text.
26.5 × 35 cm (10.43 × 13.78 in).

One Day, 2023.
Three (out of six) openwork linen panels.
300 × 150 cm (118.11 × 59.05 in) each.

I'm in transit, 2019.
Graphite pencil and printed fine paper on Canson paper.
20 × 80 cm (7.88 × 31.5 in). See details.

Temps suspendu (Suspended Time), 2020.
Painted metal structure, feathers, gauze, nylon threads.
180 cm (70.9 in) high × 45 cm (17.7) each side. See details.

Des routes et des mots (Routes and Words), 2018-2021.
Series of drawings.
Coloured pencil and graphite on printed text.
26.5 × 35 cm (10.43 × 13.78 in). See details.

Il ne faudra pas oublier (Let's not forget), 2020.
Box with photo printed on glass
+ printed and drawn text (graphite) on paper.
54.7 × 41.2 cm (21.5 × 16.2 in). See details.

Lucile Bertrand - Voyageurs immobiles Lucile Bertrand - Voyageurs immobiles Lucile Bertrand - Voyageurs immobiles Lucile Bertrand - Voyageurs immobiles Lucile Bertrand - Voyageurs immobiles Lucile Bertrand - Voyageurs immobiles Lucile Bertrand - Voyageurs immobiles Lucile Bertrand - Voyageurs immobiles Lucile Bertrand - Voyageurs immobiles Lucile Bertrand - Voyageurs immobiles Lucile Bertrand - Voyageurs immobiles Lucile Bertrand - Voyageurs immobiles Lucile Bertrand - Voyageurs immobiles Lucile Bertrand - Voyageurs immobiles Lucile Bertrand - Voyageurs immobiles Lucile Bertrand - Voyageurs immobiles
01/16Lucile Bertrand - Voyageurs immobiles

Irène Laub Gallery. Exhibition view from the entrance of the gallery.
Left, François Réau large drawing.
Front, drawing Des Routes et des mots; right, installation One Day.

02/16Lucile Bertrand - Voyageurs immobiles

Des Routes et des mots — Transports immobiles.
It was from their bedrooms that Emily Dickinson and Marcel Proust each wrote their immense and inspired works.

03/16Lucile Bertrand - Voyageurs immobiles

One Day, installation of three (out of six) openwork linen panels.

04/16Lucile Bertrand - Voyageurs immobiles
05/16Lucile Bertrand - Voyageurs immobiles
06/16Lucile Bertrand - Voyageurs immobiles

One Day, at night.
The openwork outline of the words and calligraphy is more distinct.

07/16Lucile Bertrand - Voyageurs immobiles
08/16Lucile Bertrand - Voyageurs immobiles
09/16Lucile Bertrand - Voyageurs immobiles

To evoke the invisible traces of memory, discreet pink and red threads were inserted into the openwork linen.

10/16Lucile Bertrand - Voyageurs immobiles

Left, drawing I'm in transit.
Right, sculpture Temps suspendu.

11/16Lucile Bertrand - Voyageurs immobiles
12/16Lucile Bertrand - Voyageurs immobiles

I'm in transit, detail.

13/16Lucile Bertrand - Voyageurs immobiles

Left, sculpture Temps suspendu.
On the wall, series of drawings Des Routes et des mots.

14/16Lucile Bertrand - Voyageurs immobiles

Drawings Des Routes et des mots.

15/16Lucile Bertrand - Voyageurs immobiles

Left, installation One Day from the back of the gallery.
On the wall, photo on glass Il ne faudra pas oublier.

16/16Lucile Bertrand - Voyageurs immobiles