Eldorado, 3 April (opening)-16 May (closing event), Kunstraum, Brussels, visits mainly by appointment (News →) + (more info →)
Du devant au dedans (From outside to inside), 21 November-21 December, Société libre d'Émulation, Liège, Belgium, curators Brigitte Hoornaert and Gabrielle Weissen. (invitation) + (more info →)
I Dwell in Possibility (duo with Natalia Blanch), 14 November-8 December, projection of new film les inoubliables (The Unforgettables), Losange, Brussels + catalogue. (more info →)
Diffracted self, looped projection of video amnesia, 7 November-21 December, Irène Laub Gallery, Brussels. (more info →)
Hosting, 10 October-9 February 2025, Centrale for contemporary art, Bruxelles, curator Tania Nasielski. (more info →)
22e Biennale internationale « Petit Format de Papier », Centre Culturel Action-Sud, Nismes, 31 August-29 September, and Pôle muséal Les Bateliers, Namur, 15 October-17 November, Belgium. (invitation) + (more info →)
Traverse / Crossing, contribution From a to z to the online Art Magazine Place #6, January 2024. (more info →)
Voyageurs immobiles (duo with François Réau), 26 May-20 July, Irène Laub Gallery, Brussels. (invitation) + (more info →)
Sung performance by Johanne Saunier and Éléonore Lemaire of Chanter comme des oiseaux, 7 April, evening of performances Vostok curated by Claire Luna, exhibition Symbiosium, Fondation Fiminco/Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles, La Chaufferie — Fondation Fiminco, Romainville, France. (more info →)
Projection of video amnesia, 8 February, 18 March, 2 April, exhibition Elsewhere, Centre Culturel de Namur/Abattoirs de Bomel, Belgium.
Drawing Now Paris 2023, contemporary drawing art fair, 23-26 March, with Irène Laub Gallery, Brussels. (more info →)
Elsewhere, Cycle One+ One+ (duo with Elise Leboutte), 9 February-2 April, Centre Culturel de Namur/Abattoirs de Bomel, Belgium + edition, curator Yves Depelsenaire. (more info →) + Sung performance (creation) by Johanne Saunier and Éléonore Lemaire of Chanter comme des oiseaux, 8 February (opening Elsewhere) + Semaine du Son. (more info →)
Projection of video amnesia, 8 November, seminar Performing Memory taught by Marie-Aude Baronian, Department of Media Studies, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Traversées (Crossings), 10 September-23 October, CACLB, Contemporary Art Center of Belgian Luxembourg, Montauban-Buzenol, and Musée gaumais, Virton, Belgium. (more info →)
Le Pas Suspendu (The Suspended Step), 8 September-29 October, Irène Laub Gallery, Brussels. (more info →)
Les heures sauvages (Wild hours), 10-19 June, Centre Wallonie Bruxelles, Paris, curator Stéphanie Pécourt. (invitation) + (more info →)
Curator of the exhibition En quelques mots... (In a few words...), 19 February-30 April, Maison des Arts, Brussels + catalogue. (invitation) + (more info →)
Limited Edition Art Fair Prints & Multiples, 11-13 February, with Irène Laub Gallery, Boghossian Foundation, Brussels. (more info →)
Drawing A Line, 27 November 2021-2 January 2022, FiveMyles, Brooklyn, NY, USA, curator Klaudia Ofwona Draber. (invitation) + (more info →)
Nuages, d'hier et d'aujourd'hui (Clouds, from yesterday to today), 18 September-21 November, Maison des Arts, Brussels + catalogue, curator Claire Leblanc. (invitation) + (more info →)
Limited Edition Art Fair Prints & Multiples, 23-25 April, with Irène Laub Gallery, Boghossian Foundation, Brussels. (more info →)
Projection of video amnesia, 21 April, seminar Ethics and the Moving Image taught by Marie-Aude Baronian, Department of Media Studies, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Solo exhibition They used to sing, 29 October-19 December, Irène Laub Gallery, Brussels. (invitation) + (more info →)
30/30 Small Works on Paper: Drawing, 7 November-12 December, Kentler international drawing Space, Brooklyn, NY, USA. (more info →)
I Feel Really Awake, Maison du Peuple de Saint-Gilles, with Ixelles Museum, Brussels + edition, curators Claire Leblanc and Juliette Roussel. (invitation)
De terre et de ciel (Of Hearth and Sky), Enghien Biennale, Miroirs#3, Enghien, Belgium + catalogue, curators Myriam Louyest and Christophe Veys.
Artfair Art Brussels online, with Irène Laub Gallery, 28 May-15 June. (more info →)
Focus On the Flatfiles: Home, 12 January-9 February, Kentler international drawing Space, Brooklyn, NY, USA, curator Sallie Mize. (more info →)
Achrome, Irène Laub Gallery, Brussels. (invitation) + (more info →)
Clôture, avec Collective Hic Sunt, Arondit espace d'art contemporain, Paris, France. (invitation)
Residency with Collective Hic Sunt, projection of video amnesia, 17 June, L'Escaut, Brussels. (more info →)
Solo exhibition, Almost, het Labo Atrium, Tokyo, Japan. (invitation) + (more info →)
Drawing Now Paris 2019, contemporary drawing art fair, 28-31 March, with Irène Laub Gallery, Brussels. (invitation) + (more info →)
Projection of video amnesia, from 13/11/18 to 13/01/2019, Contretype gallery, center for contemporary photography, Brussels. (invitation) + (more info →)
Focus On the Flatfiles: Inter(action), Kentler international drawing Space, Brooklyn, NY, USA, curator Diogo Pimentão. (more info →)
Variations, Art'Loft, Lee-Bauwens Gallery, Brussels, Belgium. (more info →)
Discussant, workshop Reconciliation as a Peace-building Process. Cases of failure, 9-10 July, UCL Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
Anxiété cartographique, Collective Hic Sunt, Arondit contemporary art center, Paris, France. (invitation)
Solo exhibition Travelers and Strangers, Kentler International Drawing Space, Brooklyn, NY. (invitation) + (exhibition view →)
Selections from the Kentler Flatfiles: New Additions, Kentler International Drawing Space, Brooklyn, NY. (more info →)
The Right To Be Human, Thessaloniki Center of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki, curators Thalia Vrachopoulos and Harry Savopoulos. (invitation)
Projection of video amnesia, 24 May, seminar Memory and Conflicts resolution, Institute of Political Sciences Louvain-Europe, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium. (invitation)
Cent artistes en liberté, site-specific installation, Jewish Museum of Belgium, Brussels. (invitation)
Projection of video amnesia, 24 March, Africa Museum @ Bozar, Brussels.
Solo exhibition No Man is an Island, Keitelman Gallery, Brussels. (invitation) + (exhibition view →)
Artfair Art Genève, Switzerland, 28-31 January, with Keitelman Gallery.
Conference War and Exile, 10 October, École supérieure des Arts Le 75, Brussels. (more info →)
Boudoir Féministe, Amazone, Brussels. (invitation)
Boudoir Féministe, Amazone, Brussels. (invitation)
Summer chaud (Hot Summer), Keitelman Gallery, Brussels. (invitation) + (exhibition view →)
Stack/File: Selections from the Kentler Flatfiles, 13 June-26 July, Kentler International Drawing Space, Brooklyn, NY, curator Ana Torok, Whitney Museum of American Art. (invitation) + (exhibition view →)
Artfair Art Brussels, 25-27 April, with Keitelman Gallery.
Artfair Art Genève, Switzerland, 29 January-1st February, with Keitelman Gallery.
Endless, Keitelman Gallery, Brussels. (invitation) + (exhibition view →)
Solo exhibition Tu te souviens ? (Do You Remember?), Maison des Arts, Brussels + catalogue. (invitation) + (more info →) + (exhibition view →)
Projection of video amnesia, Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts, Brussels.
Valentin, La Quincaillerie, Brussels + catalogue, curator Isabelle Baines. (invitation)
From Gent to Ghent, residency and exhibition at Omi International Arts Center, Ghent, NY, USA.
Partager le sensible (Sharing the Sensitive), Magasin de Papier Gallery, Mons, Belgium. (invitation)
Inside Out: Selections from the Kentler Flatfiles, Kentler International Drawing Space, Brooklyn, NY, curator Laura Phipps, Whitney Museum of American Art. (invitation) + (exhibition view →)
Solo exhibition Sur le Fil (On the Tightrope), Keitelman Gallery, Brussels. (invitation) + (exhibition view →)
Duo d'artistes: un échange (Duo with Mireille Henry), L'Iselp, Brussels, installation in situ + catalogue. (invitation)
Pop Up, liens artistiques (Artistic Links), Ixelles Museum, Brussels + catalogue. (invitation)
Cumulus Momemtum #1, Le Corbusier Apartment-studio, Paris, and La Cité radieuse, Marseille, France + catalogue, curators Association Momentum / Lorraine Gobin and Anissa Daaoui. (invitation)
Onze (Eleven), Exit 11 Gallery, Grand Leez, Belgium, curator Benoît Félix. (invitation)
Non, pas ce soir (Not Tonight), Ixelles Museum, Brussels, Belgium, curator La Trame. (invitation)
In Bloom, Islip Art Museum, East Islip, NY, USA, curator Karen Shaw. (invitation)
Flower Power, Keitelman Gallery, Brussels. (invitation)
Sites Specific '10, Islip Art Museum, East Islip, NY, USA, curator Karen Shaw. (invitation)
Close Encounter, Jeju Museum of Art, Jeju, South Korea + catalogue, curator Eunhee Yang. (invitation)
Qui est le maître ?, Lemniscate Gallery, Toulouse, France. (invitation)
Rose, c'est la vie, CO21, Contemporary Color Center, Brussels, curator Bernard Villers. (invitation)
International Women Artists Biennale, Incheon, Seoul, South Korea + catalogue, curators Eunhee Yang and Thalia Vrachopoulos. (invitation)
Solo exhibition Spring, (Em72), Brussels. (invitation)
Duo avec Eric Aupol (Duo with), Marijke Schreurs Gallery, Brussels.
Parcels for the Promised Land, Kunstbüro, Berlin, Germany.
Autour des éditions La Trame (Artists with éditions La Trame), Saint-Hubert Art Bookstore, Brussels. (invitation)
Duo avec Peter Hulsmans (Duo with), Marijke Schreurs Gallery, Brussels.
Point Zero, Marijke Schreurs Gallery, Brussels. (invitation)
Bruxelles, territoire de convergences (Brussels, Territory of Convergences), Ixelles Museum, Brussels, curators Anne-Laure Chamboissier and Bernard Marcelis.
Bruxelles, convergence de territoires (Brussels, Convergence of Territories), Les Filles du Calvaire Gallery, Brussels, curators Anne-Laure Chamboissier, Bernard Marcelis, Christine Ollier et Lilou Vidal. (invitation)
Zone de Turbulences, Wolu-Culture, Brussels.
L'eau et les rêves (Water and Dreams), Kamchatka Gallery, Paris, France + catalogue, curator Alexandra Roussopoulos. (invitation)
Drawing file, Kentler Drawing Center, Brooklyn, NY.
IM-agined, collaboration with the dance company Joji Inc, SCRP Festival, Einthoven, The Netherlands.
Shingle Walls, permanent installation, Central-Plaza, Brussels.
Elles, site-specific installation, Les Brasseurs Contemporary Art Center, Liège, Belgium + catalogue. (invitation)
Participation in the collective artist book La visite est terminée (The Visit is Over), La Trame Publisher, Brussels.
Mer, Atelier 340 Muzeum, Brussels + catalogue, curator Paul Gonze. (invitation)
A(rt)ctivisme, Jacques Franck Cultural Art Centre, Brussels. (invitation)
White, Triskel Arts Centre, Cork, Ireland. (invitation)
Horsefeathers, Etc., Tenri Cultural Institute of New York, NY, USA + catalogue, curator Thalia Vrachopoulos. (invitation)
Capturing Clouds, permanent installation, Source O Rama, Chaudfontaine, Belgium.
Visual concept for New Young Europeans, British Council's project, in Brussels.
Edition of the catalogue New Young Europeans (co-publishing British Council/EESC).
Solo exhibition Monographie Arts 00+4, La Médiatine, Brussels + catalogue. (invitation)
Solo exhibition Lots of love from..., site-specific installation, Comptoir du Nylon, Brussels. (invitation)
Le Petit Chaperon rouge (The Little red Riding Hood), Archetype Gallery, Brussels. (invitation)
Accrochage, Archetype Gallery, Brussels. (invitation)
Artfairs ArtBrussels, Artissima 11 and Caractères 2004, Archetype Gallery, Brussels.
Visual concept for New Young Europeans, British Council's project, in London, Cork, Roma, Madrid, Krakow.
Identity Papers, Porte 11 Gallery, Brussels. (invitation)
NeonNord, site-specific project, Brussels.
Diaphanous and Illusion, site-specific installation, ISELP, Brussels + catalogue. (invitation)
Visual concept for New Young Europeans, British Council's project, in Brussels, Cardiff, Edinburgh, Scotland, Finland.
Reactions, Exit Art, New York, NY.
Second Nature, Kingsborough Community College Gallery, Brooklyn, NY. (invitation)
100 artists for the 100 years of the Ligue des Droits de l'Homme, site-specific installation, Petit-Château, Brussels + catalogue. (invitation)
Panorama-city, Gretel's File, Zürich, Switzerland.
The Journeys In Between, site-specific installation, Solvay Library, Brussels.
Invited competition for permanent outdoor installation, Brussels South train station.
Line Project, site-specific installation, New Haven, CT, USA.
Main Exhibition, Chamberlain Building, New Haven, CT.
Advent, site-specific installation, Corpus Christi Church, NY.
Women in the Visual Arts, Erector Square Gallery, New Haven, CT, curator Lisa Dennison, from the Guggenheim Museum, NY.
Wide Open, Gretel's File, Zürich.
War, Postmasters, New York, NY.
The Surrealist Evolution, Monique Goldstrom Gallery, New York, NY. (invitation)
Group Show, Bingo Hall Gallery, Brooklyn, NY.
Women in the Visual Arts, Erector Square Gallery, New Haven, CT, curator Elisabeth Sussman, from the Whitney Museum, NY.
Solo exhibition Dear Neighbor..., Cave, Brooklyn, NY.
Right Bank Gallery, Brooklyn Waterfront Artists Coalition, NY.
Women in the Visual Arts, Erector Square Gallery, New Haven, CT, curator Andrea Miller-Keller, from the Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, CT.
Brooklyn Waterfront Artists Coalition's Open Studio, NY.
Salon des Artistes, New York, NY.
Solo exhibition, L'Arbre à Lettres, Paris, France + catalogue.
Solo exhibition, Galerie Büsch, Berlin.
Solo exhibition, Cloister of the Main Library, Cergy, France.
Two-person exhibition, Jacques Guhl Gallery, Montreux, Switzerland.
Grant from Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles for the film les inoubliables (The Unforgettables).
Grant from WBI, Wallonie-Bruxelles International, and grant from the Kentler International Drawing Space, for the solo exhibition Travelers and Strangers, Brooklyn, NY.
Acquisition of artist book Perpetratio by the KBR, Royal Library of Belgium.
Grant from Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles and Les Amis de la Maison des Arts de Schaerbeek for the video amnesia.
Residency at Omi International Arts Center, Ghent, NY, USA, with a grant from WBI, Wallonie-Bruxelles International.
Two drawings and a monotype are now part of the Art OMI collection.
Acquisition of artist book La Croisée des Chemins (The Crossroad), by the Rare Books & Manuscripts Library of the Pennsylvania State University, PA, USA.
Residency and commission for a site-specific installation, Jeju Museum of Art, Jeju, South Korea, for the Close Encounter exhibition.
Residency and commission for a site-specific installation, Islip Museum, East Islip, NY, USA, with a grant from WBI, Wallonie-Bruxelles International.
Acquisition of the Perpetratio series by the Ixelles Museum, Brussels, Belgium.
Grant from WBI, Wallonie-Bruxelles International for participation to the International Women Artists Biennale at Incheon, Seoul, South Korea.
Acquisition of the Shingle Wall, a permanent outdoor installation, for Central-Plaza, Brussels.
Acquisition by the Commune of Chaudfontaine of Capturing Clouds, a permanent installation, for the Museum of Water Source O Rama, Chaudfontaine, Belgium.
Commission from Brussels-Museums-Exhibitions/City of Brussels for the Lots of Love from... project, Comptoir du Nylon, Brussels.
Commission from the Institut Supérieur pour l'Étude du Langage Plastique, Brussels, for a site-specific installation in the Diaphanous and Illusion exhibition.
Commission from the French Institute for The Journeys In Between, in collaboration with the British Council, Solvay Library, Brussels.
Acquisition of the The Red Swing by the City of Cergy for the Public Library of Cergy, France.
Grant for personal catalogue, in collaboration with Éditions L'Arbre à Lettres, Direction des Affaires Culturelles de la Ville de Paris, France.
Cécile Bourne-Farrell, Diffracted Self, November 2024. <(pdf →)
Isabella Greenwood, Centrale: the centre of contemporary arts Brussels. Ecologies, construction, and resurrection, in Metal Magazine, 24 October 2024. (metalmagazine.eu/...) + (pdf →)
Jean-Marie Durand, «Hosting” : la Centrale expose la scène artistique bruxelloise pour sa réouverture, in Les Inrockuptibles, 15 October 2024. (www.lesinrocks.com/...) + (pdf →)
Nadine Plateau, Habiter en possibilité, in catalogue I Dwell in Possibility, September 2024. (pdf →)
Clémentine Davin, Losange, ou la nécessité d'être au monde, in L'art même 94, 4th quarter 2024. (pdf →)
Pascale Viscardy, Les Inoubliables de Lucile Bertrand, in Flux News Magazine #94, July 2024. (fluxnews.be/... →) + (pdf in French →) (pdf in English →)
Jean-Marie Wynants, « Voyageurs immobiles » chez Irène Laub, in Le Soir-Mad, 28 June 2023. (pdf →)
Gilles Bechet, Lucile Bertrand et François Réau sont le paysage, in Mu-In the City, 8 June 2023. (www.mu-inthecity.com/... →) (pdf →)
Aldo Guillaume Turin, in Chronique 27, Flux News Magazine #91, page 34, June 2023. (fluxnews.be/... →) (pdf →)
Michel Verlinden, L'immanquable - Elsewhere, in Le Vif/L'Express, 2-8 March 2023. (pdf →)
Guy Duplat, Le chant des oiseaux avant leur extinction (The bird songs before their extinction), in La Libre Culture, 18-19 February 2023. (pdf →)
Christine Van Acker, Elsewhere, Aux Abattoirs de Bomel, in Façons de voir, Par ouïe-dire, RTBF, 16 February 2023. (auvio.rtbf.be/... →) (open.spotify.com/... →)
Christine Pinchart, Elise Leboutte et Lucile Bertrand au Centre Culturel de Namur : Vers la lumière, et sur les traces de la mémoire (Towards the light, and on the traces of memory), in RTBF, 10 February 2023. (www.rtbf.be/article/... →)
Yves Depelsenaire, Elsewhere, personal blog, 10 February 2023. (pdf →)
Philippe Frank, La Semaine du Son - Ouvrir toutes les portes de l'écoute, in JazzMania, 26 January 2023. (jazzmania.be/... →) + (pdf →)
Focus sur Lucile Bertrand, in La minute de Lucie, Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles Paris, 19 September 2022. (www.youtube.com/... →)
Stéphanie Pécourt, Les Heures sauvages, in Point Contemporain, 10 June 2022. (pointcontemporain.com/... →) + (pdf →)
Anne Reverseau, En quelques mots... (Bruxelles), in L'Exporateur. Carnet de visites, May 2022. (litteraturesmodesdemploi.org/... →) + (pdf →)
Christine Van Acker, En quelques mots, in Façons de voir, Par ouïe-dire, RTBF, 21 April 2022. (www.rtbf.be/auvio... →) + (rtbf-pod... →)Jean-Marie Wynants, Des mots, des images et des regards, in Le Soir-Mad, 13 April 2022. (pdf →)
Manon Paulus, En quelques mots, délier la langue, in Mu in the City, 8 April 2022. (www.mu-inthecity.com/... →)
Catherine de Poortere, En quelques mots... À la Maison des Arts de Schaerbeek, in Point-Culture Magazine, 23 March 2022. (www.pointculture.be/... →) + (pdf →)
Michel Verlinden, En quelques mots (In a few words), in Le Vif-L'Express, 31 March 2022. (pdf →)
Guy Duplat, Le mot tue la chose en la nommant, in La libre Culture, 26 February 2022. (pdf →)
Judith Condé, En quelques mots... à la Maison des Arts de Schaerbeek, in Le Suricate magazine, 22 February 2022. (pdf →)
Pascal Goffaux, En quelques mots, entre texte et image, exposition à la Maison des Arts de Schaerbeek, in L'Info culturelle, Musiq3, 21 February 2022. (www.rtbf.be/article/ →)
Xavier Ess, Jouer sur les mots à la Maison des Arts de Schaerbeek, in À vous de voir, Chroniques Culture RTBF, 19 February 2022. (www.rtbf.be/article/ →)
Gilles Bechet, Là haut à la Maison des Arts, in Mu in the City, 21 November 2021. (pdf →)
Fabrice Kada, Façons de voir : Nuages à la Maison des Arts, in Par Ouïe-dire, RTBF, 11 November 2021 (podcasts →)
Guy Duplat, La poésie dans les nuages, in La libre Culture, 11 October 2021. (pdf →)
Pascale Navez, Nuages d'hier et d'aujourd’hui, à la Maison des Arts de Schaerbeek, in À vous de voir, Chronique Culture RTBF, 28 September 2021. (www.rtbf.be/article/ →)
Pascal Goffaux, Arrêt sur nuages, à la Maison des Arts de Schaerbeek, in L'info Culturelle, Musiq3, 20 September 2021. (www.rtbf.be/article/ →)
Odile de Bruyn, Du glaucope de Wilson à la glycine, in Art et écologie, Les Nouvelles du Patrimoine, 1st quarter 2021. (pdf →)
Aliénor Debrocq, Les chants de la terre, in Le Soir+ Culture/Arts, 9 September 2020. (pdf in French →) (pdf in English →)
Clémentine Davin, Lucile Bertrand, They used to sing, October 2020. (pdf in French →) (pdf in English →)
Michel Voiturier, Enghien, un parc historique pour un art du présent, in Flux News, 18 September 2020. (fluxnews.be/...) + (pdf →)
Guy Duplat, L'art pour redécouvrir le merveilleux parc d'Enghien, in La Libre Belgique, 15 September 2020. (pdf →)
Pascal Goffaux, Lucile Bertrand, in L’info culturelle, Musiq3, 12 September 2020. (www.rtbf.be/musiq3/ →)
Fabrice Kada, La Biennale d'Enghien, in Façons de voir, Par Ouïe-dire, La Première, 10 September 2020. (www.rtbf.be/auvio →)
Gwennaëlle Gribaumont, Une biennale d'art contemporain à Enghien, in Arts Libre, 9 September 2020. (pdf →)
Manon Paulus, Entre terre et ciel au parc d'Enghien, in Mu-inthecity, 5 September 2020. (www.mu-inthecity.com →)
Etienne Barbazan, Le parc d'Enghien entre terre et ciel, in L'Echo, 2 September 2020. (pdf →)
Clémentine Davin, « Il ne faudra pas oublier de leur dire », in L'art même 82, 4th quarter 2020. (pdf in French →) (pdf in English →)
Muriel Andrin, Nous qui n'entendons pas que l'on crie sans fin, in L'art même 77, 1st quarter 2019. (pdf →) (pdf in English →)
Claude Lorent, Images de la rencontre de l'autre, in La Libre Arts, 04-11 December 2018. (pdf →)
Philippe Hunt, (A)Mnesia, in H Art Magazine #178, 22 November 2018. (pdf/français →) (pdf in English →)
Anxiété cartographique: Une exposition du collectif Hic Sunt, in antiAtlas des frontières. (www.antiatlas.net →)2017
Jonathan Goodman, Lucile Bertrand at the Kentler International Drawing Space, Arte Fuse, 1st November 2017. (pdf →)
Charlotta Kotik, Travelers and Strangers, in exhibition brochure, September 2017. (pdf →)
Illustrations of essay by Valérie Rosoux, “From despair to hopefulness.” How can we enlighten the darkness?, in Memory at Stake #3, May 2017. (www.memoires-en-jeu.com →)
Muriel de Crayencour, Paysages de Lucile Bertrand, in Mu-inthecity, 10 March 2016. (www.mu-inthecity.com →)
Lucile Bertrand, une géographie de l'intime, in Agenda Magazine, 4-10 March 2016. (pdf →)
Summer chaud, in L'Écho, 29 August 2015.
Ana Torok, Stack/File: Selections from the Kentler Flatfiles, 13 June 2015. (pdf →)
Muriel de Crayencour, Répétitions, in Mu-inthecity, 19 March 2015. (www.mu-inthecity.com →)
Muriel de Crayencour, Ne pas oublier, in Mu-inthecity, 24 October 2014. (www.mu-inthecity.com →)
Septembre Tieberghien, Je me souviens, in L'art même #63, 4th quarter 2014. (pdf →)
Véronique Danneels, Do you remember?, in exhibition catalogue, June 2014. (pdf →)
Guy Duplat, Tout un art qui maille, in La Libre, 14 February 2014.
Claire Leblanc, Lucile Bertrand, in exhibition catalogue Pop-Up. Liens artistiques, June 2012. (pdf →)
Dominique Legrand, Pop-Up, Liens artistiques, in Mad/Le Soir, 20 June 2012.
Muriel de Crayencour, À deux, c'est mieux, in L'Écho, June 2012. (www.mu-inthecity.com →)
Claude Lorent, Pop Up pour acquisitions muséales, in La Libre Belgique, June 27, 2012.
Estelle Spoto, Dans l'antre d'artistes : Lucile Bertrand, Wunderkammer 21, in L'Agenda Magazine, June 09, 2012.
Véronique Danneels, Lucile Bertrand, Sur le fil, April 2012. (pdf →)
Sandra Caltagirone, De l'envol au chaos, in L'art même #54, 1st trimester 2012. (pdf →)
Catherine Callico, 5 bonnes raisons de voir l'expo Duos d'artistes, in Victoire, 3 March 2012.
Estelle Spoto, Dialogue et va-et-vient, in Artenews #78, February 2012.
Claude Lorent, Échange et duo d'artistes, in La Libre Belgique Culture, 8 February 2012.
Catherine Henkinet, Envolée lyrique, in exhibition catalogue, January 2012. (pdf →)
André Golberg, Lucile Bertrand, in Aimez-vous l'art contemporain ? 40 portraits pour les 40 ans de L'Iselp, video L'Iselp/L'Image latente, 2011.
Thierry Genicot, À la galerie Exit 11, Par Ouïe dire, La Première, RTBF, 25 August 2011.
Thierry Genicot, La Trame fête ses dix ans, Par Ouïe dire, La Première, RTBF, 11 August 2011.
Claude Lorent, Ah! la belle équipe, in La Libre Belgique Arts, 24-30 June 2011.
Un nuage créatif s'accroche à la Cité radieuse, in La Provence Marseille, 23 June 2011.
Claude Lorent, La trame de la pensée artistique, in La Libre Belgique Culture, 22 June 2011.
Rogier Pierre Turine, Dites-le avec des fleurs..., in La Libre Belgique — Arts, 28 January-3 February 2011.
Eunhee Yang, in exhibition catalogue Close Encounter, July 2011. (pdf →)
Robert Morgan, 2009 Incheon Women Artists' Biennale, in Brooklyn Rail, September 2009.
Danièle Gillemon, Légère, une brise française souffle sur Bruxelles, in Mad/Le Soir, 3 December 2008.
Sandra Caltagirone, L'effacement des frontières, in L'art même #41, 4th quarter 2008.
Pierre Hild, Féminin pluriel, in Le matricule des anges, #79, January 2007.
Marie Guérisse, Entre deux, in exhibition catalogue Elles, November 2006.
Katrien Laenen, in Kunst in opdracht, 1999-2005, pp. 36-38, Vlaams Bouwmeester, 2006. (pdf →)
Françoise Walravens, Dans l'atelier de Lucile Bertrand, in Hep Taxi!, no. 83, RTBF, 22 November 2006.
Thalia Vrachopoulos, in exhibition catalogue Horsefeathers and Other Non-Sense, December 2005.
Adèle Santocono, Wallonie, in Dossier intégration d'art, A+ 195, August-September 2005. (pdf →)
Virginie Devillez, Le monde selon Lucile Bertrand, in Arte News, December 2004.
Roger Pierre Turine, Douceur et légèreté, in La Libre Belgique, 30 November 2004.
Dominique Legrand, L'impact foudroyant du murmure, in Le Soir Culture, 24 November 2004.
Frédérique Versaen, Sur le fil..., in Monograph, Arts 00+4, November 2004.
Christophe Veys, L'effacement contre l'oubli, in Monograph, Arts 00+4, November 2004. (pdf →)
Pascale Viscardy, Une pluralité d'inscription au monde, in Monograph, Arts 00+4, November 2004.
Virginie Devillez & Thomas Perissino, Bons baisers de Lucile Bertrand, in Art is not where you think you're going to find it, Flux News #35, July-September 2004. (pdf →)
Pascale Viscardy, Lucile Bertrand : à l'évidence, in L'art même #24, 3rd quarter 2004.
Véronique Depiesse, Si tu ne vas pas dans les bois..., in L'art même #22, 1st quarter 2004.
Anne Hustache, Qui craint le grand méchant loup ?, in Zone 02/, 18-24 February 2004.
Claude Lorent, Au Loup, in La Libre Belgique, 18 February 2004.
La prostitution en son et en images, in La Libre Belgique, 17 September 2003.
Dominique Legrand, Effleurements pluriels exclusivement féminins, in Le Soir, 12 June 2003.
Claude Lorent, Les beaux silences du diaphane, in La Libre Belgique, 28 May 2003.
Frédérique Margraff, Une certaine vision de l'immatériel, in exhibition catalogue Du diaphane et de l'illusion. Une pluralité d'apparences, ISELP, May 2003. (pdf →)
Chris Rovzar, Unconventional art overlooks bus stop, in Yale Daily News, 26 January 2001.
Judy Birke, Women take on a wider world at Erector Square, in New Haven Register, March 1999.
Judy Birke, Subtle “Women in the Visual Arts” reflects human experiences, in New Haven Register, March 1998.
Jean-Luc Nancy, Held, held back, in Art & Design, July 1997.
Jean-Luc Nancy, Tenue, retenue, catalogue, L'Arbre à Lettres publisher, Paris, 1995.
Anne Chapoutot, catalogue, L'Arbre à Lettres publisher, Paris, 1995.
Elfi Kreis, Galerien. Mehr als Stein und Eisen, in Berliner Zeitung, 15 October 1994.
Der Mann mit den verschränkten Fingern, in Tagesanzeiger, Berlin, 7 October 1994.
Bertrand Fischer, Complicité troublante, in La Presse Riviera/Chablais, 12 March 1994.