
Transit, 2002.

Site specific installation, exhibition 100 Artists for the 100th Anniversary of the Ligue des Droits de l'Homme, Petit Château, Brussels, 2002.

The Petit Château is the reception center for those who arrive in Brussels seeking political asylum. Thousands of people pass through this place, leaving no trace — we know almost nothing about them.

Transit is a dormitory room with ten red metallic bed frames and eight closets. When one enters the room, one might not notice a few stray hairs on the two first bed frames, but the more one advances into the room, the more hair there is to see. At the end of the room, the bed frames are covered with real hair mattresses. The closets are empty: the people have left with their secrets. They have only left behind what is the most mundane and the most personal thing about them: their hair.

Lucile Bertrand - Transit Lucile Bertrand - Transit Lucile Bertrand - Transit Lucile Bertrand - Transit Lucile Bertrand - Transit
1/5Lucile Bertrand - Transit

Installation view, Petit Château.
Photo L. Schrobiltgen

2/5Lucile Bertrand - Transit

Installation view, Petit Château.

3/5Lucile Bertrand - Transit

Installation view, Petit Château.

4/5Lucile Bertrand - Transit

Installation view, Petit Château.

5/5Lucile Bertrand - Transit

Installation view, Petit Château.