Gisant(e)s inconnu(e)s (Unknown Gisants), 2016.
170 × 90 × 11 cm (66.9 × 35.4 × 4.3).
170 × 90 × 11 cm (66.9 × 35.4 × 4.3).
170 × 90 × 18 cm (66.9 × 35.4 × 7).
Exhibition I Feel Really Awake,
Maison du Peuple de Saint-Gilles (with the Musée d'Ixelles), Brussels, 2020.
Solo exhibition No Man Is An Island,
Keitelman Gallery, Brussels, 2016.
On the paths of exile, there are also those who disappear from the landscape, who become “missed” without a burial.