Capturer des nuages

Capturer des nuages (Capturing Clouds), 2005.

6 glass panels forming a wall.
16.87 m (60 ft) wide × 5.40 m (16 ft) high × 0.50 m (20 in) thick.
Each section: 2.81 m (10 ft) wide × 1.27 m (4 ft) high.

Permanente installation, Musée de l'Eau,
Source O Rama, Chaudfontaine, Belgium, 2005.
Invited by A2RC Architects ( →)

Clouds of feathers captured in a large glass box evoke the presence of air. Made of three layers of feathers, the clouds vary in their density and transparency, shaping the transmission of light through the wall.

Lucile Bertrand - Capturing Clouds Lucile Bertrand - Capturing Clouds Lucile Bertrand - Capturing Clouds Lucile Bertrand - Capturing Clouds Lucile Bertrand - Capturing Clouds Lucile Bertrand - Capturing Clouds
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Installation, Musée de l'eau.

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Glass wall.

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Window from inside.

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