NY/NY, 2017.
Gouache and printed text on Canson paper 224 g/m².
150 × 100 cm (59 × 39 in) each.
Solo exhibition Travelers and Strangers,
Kentler International Drawing Space, New York, 2017.
Drawing, left (NY): Map of Manhattan representing two routes (green lines) of the artist running in the East Village and near Central Park because she is late. In both cases, in spite of suspicious looks of passers-by, she will arrive without any trouble to her destinations.
Drawing, right (NY): Map of Manhattan representing two routes (red lines) of the Jamaican writer Garnette Cadogan running in the East Village and near Central Park because he is late. In the 1st case he is hurt by a passer-by, and in the 2nd case he is arrested by the police, each time because he is suspected to be a robber on the run.
Text adapted from Garnette Cadogan Black and Blue/Walking While Black, with his kind permission.